Parents must be in agreement with, believe in, and practice Christianity as we find it expressed according to the sixteen fundamental truths we hold as an Assemblies of God Christian School. Students and parents are expected to regularly attend and belong to a Bible believing church.Families desiring to enroll children in Northside Christian School will be scheduled for an interview with the administration and/or school officials. The administrator will notify the parent of acceptance or rejection of the student’s application.
In addition the following admission requirements must be met:
- Christian Commitment– Parents and students must understand that the Bible will be taught as the authoritative Word of God and parents should indicate that they will support the Bible teaching of N.C.S.
- Parents– For a student to be eligible for admissions or re-enrollment, both parents should be Christians, a member of an Evangelical Bible believing church and regular in attendance at the church, desired goal is a minimum of one (1) service per week.
- Elementary Students– Parents must understand that each teacher will attempt to lead their child to a personal relationship and commitment to Jesus Christ.c. Secondary Students- Each secondary student must have a personal relationship and commitment to Jesus Christ and desire to be discipled in the faith and in character.
- Priorities– Since Northside Christian School is a ministry of Northside Assembly of God, the following priorities are established for the filling of new positions and vacancies.
- Students whose families already have persons enrolled in the school, to allow all of the family to be enrolled in one school. Students whose families are members of Crowley’s Northside Assembly of God. Students whose families are members of other churches in the area.
- Probation– Each student once accepted and enrolled at Northside Christian School is automatically on probation until he has completed his first semester of school.This implies that the student will display Christian character and lifestyle. Failure to meet the probational requirements means the student will face possible dismissal.
- Elementary– Students transferring to Northside Christian School from another school should have passing grades on their report cards for the year end averages. They must be on grade-level or above on a nationally standardized achievement test.
Kindergarten– A child entering kindergarten must be FIVE (5) years old on or before September 30th. A copy of the child’s birth certificate, Social Security card, and up-to-date immunization record must be on file before the child will be admitted into class.
First Grade– A child entering first grade must be SIX (6) years old on or before September 30th. A copy of the child’s birth certificate, Social Security card, and up-to-date immunization record must be on file before the child will be admitted into class.
Secondary– Students transferring to Northside Christian School from another school should have passing grades on their report cards for the semester averages. They must be on grade-level or above on a nationally standardized achievement test. - No student will be admitted who is a known user of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. All students in grades 7-12 must sign a standard of conduct at the beginning of each school year stating they will refrain from the use of these substances. This agreement is binding for the FULL CALENDAR YEARwhile the student is enrolled at Northside Christian School.
- Home School Transfer– Students transferring to Northside Christian School from an approved homeschool are required to submit all requested information and records before the student may be admitted into class. It is possible that high school work may not transfer for credit.
- Re-Enrollment– Tentative reservation of space is given to students during the spring each year for fall enrollment. Official verification of re-enrollment should be completed by March 1st. At the beginning of school, fees and tuition should be paid to date for students to attend the first day of class.
Northside Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships, athletic and other school-administered programs.